Sunday, March 3, 2019

Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor

Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor - Track Your Infant's Heart Rate & Oxygen Levels

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As parents, we understand the worry that comes with having a baby. That's why we invented the Owlet Smart Sock to help you watch over your baby while they sleep. Unlike traditional audio and video baby monitors, the Owlet Smart Sock helps you know your baby is okay, and when you know baby is okay, you can worry less and sleep better.
This smart baby monitor helps you know your baby is okay by using clinically-proven technology to track their heart rate and oxygen levels. The Smart Sock sends this information to a base station which is designed to notify you with lights and sounds if something appears to be wrong. Using Owlet's app, you can view real-time wellness data and receive direct notifications on your phone. Parents who use the Owlet Smart Sock report better sleep and less worry. All new moms and dads can use peace of mind and a little extra help with baby while they sleep. The Smart Sock 2 can help by keeping them informed of what matters most, making it the perfect baby shower gift for expecting moms and dads.

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